Emergency Notices: Bring your umbrella No classes today Exam week coming

From the High School Counselor’s Desk: May 2023

Schedules for School Year 2023-24

The schedules for next year for current grades 6-11 will be available in the next week.  Once the schedules are available, if any questions or concerns arise with these schedules, students will be asked to see Miss Mulder by Wednesday, May 17 so that next school year can begin with a minimum amount of schedule changes.

Junior High Community Service Days

The Junior High is planning on having community service days the last 2 days of the school year (May 25 & 26).  If you have any ideas for tasks the junior high can help with on those days, please contact Kim Mulder.  In addition, we have a need for parent supervision, as well as multiple vehicles for transportation.  If you are willing and able to give ½ day, a day, or a couple days to volunteer in this endeavor, please give Kim Mulder a call at the junior high (753-4917) or email at kmulder@wlwildcats.org .


Throughout the course of the year I receive mailings from colleges, camps and scholarship programs that are available for our 7th through 11th grade students.  Each month you will find a short summary of these mailings on the West Lyon school website.  Students and parents are encouraged to check this website every month or so to see if any of these camp and scholarship opportunities may be of interest to you.  Our school’s website is:  www.wlwildcats.org. ; This information will be under the Counselor section of the webpage.  In addition, senior scholarship information that I receive in my office will also be summarized each month and posted on the school website.  These can also be found in the Counselor section of the school website.

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