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NAIA Eligibility Center
The NAIA Eligibility Center registers high school students interested in playing NAIA college sports. Every student interested in playing NAIA sports MUST register with the NAIA Eligibility Center. The cost of registration is $80.00.
For more information and to register, visit the PlayNAIA website at: www.playnaia.org
In addition to registering for NAIA Eligibility, you will also need your ACT scores sent to this organization. This will need to be done directly by ACT. Therefore, when you register for the ACT or SAT, include the NAIA Eligibility Center (9876) on the list of places test scores should be sent.
What is the NAIA Eligibility Center? (This is different organization than the NCAA Clearinghouse Eligibility – it’s a totally different level of colleges)
The NAIA Eligibility Center is responsible for determining the eligibility of first-time NAIA student-athletes. Any student playing NAIA sports for the first time must have their eligibility determined by the NAIA Eligibility Center, and all NAIA member schools are bound by the center’s decisions.
Who needs to register?
Every student interested in playing NAIA sports needs to register and have their initial eligibility determined.
What information will I need to provide?
You’ll need your current contact information, previous residences and addresses, high schools attended and history of your sports participation during and after high school graduation.
When you register for the ACT or SAT, include the NAIA Eligibility Center code of “9876” on the list of places test scores should be sent.
Ask your high school counselors to send the NAIA Eligibility Center a final official transcript that verifies high school graduation, class rank and cumulative grade point average.
What are the costs?
Registration for students from the U.S. is $80. This is a one-time nonrefundable registration fee, and all services of the NAIA Eligibility Center are included.
Is there an opportunity for a fee waiver?
Yes. The registration fee will be waived for students with demonstrated need. If you receive a fee waiver for the ACT or SAT test or qualify for the federal free or reduced-cost lunch program, contact your high school counselor, who can contact the Eligibility Center and verify a fee waiver.
Transfer students can qualify for a fee waiver based on receipt of Federal Pell Grant funds.