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West Lyon Elementary School Counseling SEL Classes: Second Step Social Skills Curriculum

This year, I have implemented the newly developed online Second Step Social Skills Curriculum. This program helps promote school success, connectedness, safe and respectful school climate, emotion management, problem-solving skills, and social relatedness.

Grades: TK-4th grade
Frequency: Weekly Classes
Students served: 400+

Three domains: Academic, Personal/Social, Career

Professional School Counselors work with all students to provide the best education and support for every student. The three specific areas that Professional School Counselor work with are Academic, Personal/Social and Career. All areas are covered throughout the year. I also provide individual counseling, group counseling, along with weekly classroom SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) lessons in each classroom. Classroom lessons include topics such as: study skills, assertiveness, focus/listening skills, making friends, feelings, anger management, pillars of character, listening, choices and consequences, peer pressure and self-esteem. Each grade is presented with age appropriate lessons that will benefit them in and out of school.

We have added a School Social Worker position, and Mrs. Kelly Van Den Berg has joined our team.  She has taken over my 5th-6th SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) classes, as well as the individual/group counseling students in grades 5th-12th grade to support mental health needs of our students.  I am now focusing on TK-4th grade.

Contact: Leah Twedt

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